

Constipation / 'delayed passage' exacerbates cellulite, since it

prolongs the period of absorption of much more 'dirty' protein than normally would be absorbed. The use of laxatives only exaggerates this process, for it strongly disturbs the normal functioning of the colon, inhibiting enzymatic decomposition of dietary protein.

In this appendix we will explain how constipation is caused and how to prevent it.




Food Causing Constipation


When we are constipated our doctors tell us to consume more fiber, be more physically active, and, if necessary, to take laxatives. But even women who are consuming high-fiber 'health food' are constipated. Physical activity does not eliminate constipation either, and by taking laxatives you are causing tiny little wounds upon your colon, which is devastating in the long run, and may even cause colon cancer.



But only fiber can move your bowels, right?

Fruit does not contain much fiber - 2% on the average. A watermelon only contains 0.2% fiber. But even if you ate only watermelons, you definitely would not be constipated.

Bread, cake, and cookies, on the other hand, cause constipation, although they contain over ten-fold more (3%) fiber !!!


Beans contain so much fiber that they always cause gas, but do not necessarily make your bowels move.



Fiber contents

Linseed 39%

Chick pea 21%

Soya flour 19%

White beans 17%

Lentils 11%

Whole-meal bread 7%

Rye bread 6%

Cornflakes and crackers 4%

Potatoes, biscuits

and white bread 3%.

Fruits (average*) 2%


* Avocado contains 6%; guava, raisins and raspberries 5%, kiwis, apples, bananas, papaya, figs, mandarins, mangoes, strawberries, oranges, plums, apricots, and grapes contain 2% fiber, passion fruit, pineapple and muskmelon 1%, and watermelon only 0.2%. (From Souci, S.W. et al, Food Composition and Nutrition Tables, Medpharm Scientific Publishers Stuttgart, Germany)




Picture yourself consuming only sugar or olive oil or butter; you know your bowels would move. Why do fats and sugar stimulate your bowels, not containing any fiber at all?

Why are fruits not constipating?

Because constipation is absolutely not due to a lack of fiber.




What does cause constipation?


If certain ingredients, like sugar and fat, can move the bowels, there also must be substances causing constipation. Just think about it: if there were only neutral and bowel-stimulating substances and no

substances causing constipation, then constipation would not exist.

Most of our foods contain fats and sugars, and because fats and sugar move the bowels, there definitely must be food substances causing constipation. And there are:


- Beta-carbolines [233] in proteinaceous prepared foods, in particular, (heated-in-any-way meat, fish (especially the tuna and salmon in can), beans, grains, and tofu.

- Opioid peptides in dairy [234] and wheat-products [235] like bread, etc., and any kind of cheese (except the full-fat low- protein cream cheese). Also constipating: wheat cookies, all crackers (rice crackers are constipating too),

cakes, pizza (especially the frozen and pre-baked ones), and pasta (pasta is less constipating when eaten with lots of olive oil and without fish or meat). Butter is not constipating for it contains hardly any protein (opioid peptides are contained in protein) and lots of fat.




But we eat a lot of proteinaceous prepared foods; why isn't

everyone constipated?


Because you are consuming both bowel stimulating and bowel anesthetizing substances. If you absorb mostly stimulating substances, you will not be constipated. If you absorb predominantly

anesthetizing substances, you probably will be constipated.

Also: Not everybody is constipated because the susceptibility of the receptors for anesthetizing substances is individually different.

Just as people are individually different in their susceptibilities to drugs and alcohol – they also are different in their reaction to food.

Two persons might consume exactly the same foods; one could be constipated while the other is not.




Is fiber essential or not?


Without the intake of anesthetizing substances you need extremely little fiber to keep your bowels moving; remember the watermelon only contains 0.2% fiber, and yet your bowels will definitely move if you consume watermelons only. You absolutely do not need to consume vegetables, grains, or beans to keep your bowels moving.

Fiber is a carbohydrate - like plain sugar, fruit sugars, and starch.

The major difference between fiber and the other carbs is that fiber cannot be broken down by enzymes, so most of the fiber can't be transformed into energy. Fiber therefore is hardly / not a nutrient.

It is much easier and far more effective to transform other carbs into glucose. The sole thing you need from carbohydrates is the glucose into which they are converted.

You certainly do not need more fiber than fruits contain. Consuming less fiber by drinking orange juice instead of eating the whole orange, for example, is no problem if you consume little

anesthetizing substances from prepared foods, wheat, and dairy-products.

Because many fibers are rough and can damage your bowels, your body wants to get rid of these indigestible substances as soon as possible. That is why whole wheat bread can be less constipating

than white bread; both contain opioid peptides that anesthetize your bowels, but whole wheat bread contains twice as much fiber. This extra fiber urges the bowels to get rid of their contents.

However, when you absorb both colon-anesthetizing and colon-stimulating substances, your bowels are getting opposite messages, which can cause severe bowel pains, Irritable Bowel syndrome, or 'a spastic colon'. Your colon is trying to tell you that you are eating the

wrong food.

And thus you can understand that laxatives aren't good for you.

They do not help you absorb less anesthetizing substances; they just irritate your bowels. They can make your bowels move because laxatives contain extremely rough and damaging wood fiber (from

bushes, for example). They often contain poly-phenols (that are also used as cleaning chemicals and can cause severe cramps).

These fibers cannot be utilized and also harm your intestines so your body tries to deport everything inside your bowels as fast as possible to prevent further damage. The more laxatives your intestines must endure, the sooner they will wear out. This will accelerate aging of your bowels, and, eventually, the end result may be a plastic bag because your bowels cannot recuperate anymore.




Are dietary fibers always bad?


No. As with almost anything, they are not bad when consumed with moderation along with generous amounts of fresh fruits and nuts.

Fruits and a number of vegetables do not contain too much fiber.

Grains and beans do. We can understand this when we remember that grains and beans, by nature, are not human food; we only started

consuming these foods after the introduction of agriculture. This happened very recently on the evolutionary scale. Only animals whose digestion systems are specialized in digesting these plants - like cattle and certain birds - can eat these foods raw.

We cannot. We need to cook these foods first to be able to digest them properly. But this causes substances to originate (and 'dirty' protein) that anesthetize our bowels. So, you can't eat them raw and you cannot cook them.

Fruits do not contain too much fiber. Some vegetables do not contain very much fiber either, but their fiber is harder to digest.

Fiber can only be partially decomposed by the bacteria in the colon.

This process causes other nutrients to be bacterially decomposed too.

Methionine and cystine, for example, then are transformed into ethyl- and methyl-mercaptane, which are transformed into methane-gas through hydrogenation. Consuming excessive fiber causes gas, which makes your tummy swell.

Fibrous foods like grains and beans can also cause cramps since the absorption of both sedatives and laxatives is telling your colon to

both slow down and to speed up.

The doctors say they do not know what causes a 'spastic colon' or 'Irritable Bowel syndrome', but this is simply caused by the continuous intake of both sedating substances and tough fiber (or


Cramps also can be caused by eating proteinaceous food first, and then sweet food as a dessert. Sugars also stimulate the bowels, and

thus previously consumed protein is bacterially decomposed, which originates gasses.

That is why many decline dessert; they have learned that this combination will cause them discomfort later. They generally think this is because they have a sensitive digestive system, but, in fact, they are just listening to the signals their body is giving them.

Constipation is not caused by a lack of fiber, but by consuming bowel-anesthetizing substances. Depending on how susceptible your endorphin- (regarding opioid- peptides) and benzodiazepine-

receptors (regarding beta-carbolines) are, constipation is caused.

You will avoid absorbing anesthetizing substances and too much fiber by eating plenty of fruit.




How to prevent cramps / gripes?


Try this diet for one to two weeks, and your cramps will be gone, and your bowels definitely will move. That's a promise.


- Eat as much fruit (or fresh fruit–juices / blended fruits) as possible (4.4 lbs. / day minimum) plus some fresh raw

animal food regularly, like sashimi or fresh organic raw egg yolk.


- Be sure to consume sufficient fat (avocado, raw Brazil nuts, cold pressed olive oil, and real butter). Fatty acids are the most important source of energy for the bowels. [236] Sufficient fat is also essential for a beautiful skin and healthy, strong hair. This diet will not make you gain weight; on the contrary, it will make you loose weight until

you reach your natural set point weight. (See Part 4)


- If you eat a munch-food during this period, only consume munch-food that is very well cooked, especially grains and tubers, like potatoes (incl. French fries), pasta, pastries, bread, rice, etc.


- When consuming munch-food, eat only your favorite food – the one that contains little protein but is rich in fats and / or sugars to satisfy your cravings. Watch out for wheat products; the best would be to avoid bread altogether, but if you simply must have a slice of bread every once in a while, be sure to eat it with plenty of butter or olive oil.


- Avoid food products that contain bicarbonates or tri-carbonates. Check labels.


- Do not consume more fiber than that found in fruit (like in grains and beans, in particular). You don't need vegetables, grains and beans, because fruits and a little animal food contain all the nutrients you need.


- Use spices sparingly


- Peel/pare all fruits


- Don't eat fruits or anything else containing sugars or fiber within three hours after having eaten sashimi, egg yolk, or other food containing much protein.


- When you drink fruit juices, be sure every little piece of seed or stone is removed from the juice. Use a strainer.


- Take your time after every proteinaceous meal. Sit down

and relax.




If you have had chronic severe constipation and you need laxatives to have a stool, take a week off and buy as many different ripe fruits as you can find. Then eat only fruit (including avocados and raw nuts), a tomato-cucumber salad with lots of cold pressed olive oil, and fruit juices for this entire week. You will learn again what it's like to have normally functioning bowels. After that week you can start adding munch-foods to your diet to find out how much constipating foods your bowels can accept without being constipated.

Fruit juice contains very little fiber; so don't be alarmed if your stool is small on a fruit juice diet. There will simply be less to deport. Don't be surprised when your bowels move daily; that is how it should be. They will contain far less wastes and your stomach will be flat again. You will feel cleaner, lighter, and more active, and you skin will look better.

Once your stool is normal, you can start adding foods to your diet that you like the most, like potato chips or chocolate. Notice the reaction of your bowels; if they still move without cramps, everything is fine. If not, eliminate the last food you've added to your diet.

If the fruit (especially those containing much vitamin C and sugar) over-stimulates your bowels, eat more bananas; they are not as activating as other fruits.






- that fat is extremely important. Even pasta won't cause constipation if you make sure to consume plenty of olive oil with it.


- not to eat any potatoes or potato chips with green rims (these contain poisonous solanine, causing cramps).


- not to eat any food containing sugars or fibers within three hours after having consumed a proteinaceous meal. If you want to have dessert or fruit, eat it before the main course.


- not to combine potatoes with any fruit (including tomatoes and cucumber).


- not to combine coffee and banana (this can cause cramps and gasses).


- not to drink water after having eaten raw proteinaceous food (egg yolk / sashimi).


- to take your time after every meal - about one to two hours.




Colon Cancer


But doesn't fiber decrease colon cancer risk ?


Cancer is caused by mutagenics that damage cell-DNA and by growth factors or growth hormones that induce the growth of these

mutated cells.

Some may reason that fiber can 'catch' these mutagenics before they damage cells. But fiber does not actively do so; it just easily binds to

other substances, like mutagenics, but also to essential minerals, vitamins, and clean cholesterol. Luckily, fiber does not inhibit the uptake of very much of the nutrients, but not of very much of the

mutagenics either.

Moreover, foods containing large amounts of fiber - like grains, beans and most vegetables – must be prepared (cooked, etc.) prior to consumption. Due to this preparation process, new mutagenic

heterocyclic amines originate, especially in grains and beans, for they contain much protein. And, due to the influence of heat, nitrate

in vegetables facilitates the formation of cancerous N-nitroso compounds. (See

Logically, consuming fiber does not decrease colon cancer risk.

[237] To prevent colon cancer, the only sensible action is to prevent intake of mutagenics, growth hormones, growth factors and excessive fibers (and anal sex). This means minimizing the intake of prepared foods, dairy products, grains, beans and vegetables.

Excessive fiber can even cause colon cancer because repeatedly inflicting wounds upon the colon damages cells. [238] The more cells are damaged, the greater the risk that mutations occur, which may lead to cancer.






What about those special drinks restoring the natural balance of bacteria in the colon?


Over 400 different bacteria in the bowels produce a variety of hormones, vitamins, enzymes, and 'soldiers to fight hostile bacteria'.

Our body is the only one who can create an ideal environment for those bacteria. We disturb those bacteria by consuming the wrong foods and laxatives. Consuming something made by man can never restore natural conditions; to achieve this we just need to prevent the intake of disturbing substances.

Did you really think that those "pro-digestive" drinks could compensate for the ill effects of foods? Biologists still don't know exactly how many bacteria are in the colon and bowels, and know

less than 1% of their functions. Don't believe that the 'magic drink' manufacturers know more, or that you can buy something from 'them' that will make your bowels function better. Whatever you do,

do not believe 'their' lies. If the promises of the food and pharmaceutical industry were even 10% true, why are we - who buy all their products - more obese, more constipated, and sicker than

ever? No matter whether the offer is herbs, homeopathic remedies, or 'natural' medicines, it is not going to take away the cause. The only one who can do that is you. Yes - you can still enjoy great tasting munch-foods, as long as you know what the bad substances are and how to minimize their intake.






Does constipation make you gain weight?



Damaged protein, sugars, fat, and cholesterol molecules are very hard to completely digest. If you mainly consume prepared food, your intestines are crusted with a layer of incompletely digested food

remains. Long after having digested a meal, nutrients from this crust of food remainders still are being absorbed into the blood and lymph.

Even being a sleep, energy from food is still entering your blood and lymph, which can directly disturb your sleep.

Between 1:00 and 3:00 am, body-fat is normally converted into available energy due to the secretion of growth hormone. But less if still energy is absorbed from that crusted layer of food-remains. If your bowels are 'clean', you will burn extra body-fat for two hours every night while you're asleep.

Your bowels will be clean after eating only fruit, raw nuts and fresh raw animal food and no prepared foods or dairy products whatsoever for one week. Don't use laxatives to empty your bowels because you need perfectly functioning bowels to sleep well; a substance that induces sleep is produced by bacteria in your bowels. [239] The use of laxatives impairs colonic bacteria functioning.




I like to eat something sweet before I go to bed. Is that a problem?


Not at all; eating a piece of fruit or something else sweet just before you go to bed can even help promote sleep. This only contains sufficient energy to last for half an hour, and the utilization of body-

fat will not begin until later.

If you wake up in the middle of the night, some combination of fat and sugar will very probably help you to fall asleep again.




>> To Appendix B; Nutrient contents of the raw foods that are included in this diet  

>> To the glossary 

>> To the references   


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© Copyright 2001 - 2002 Artists Cooperative Groove Union U.A. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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ISBN 90-806424-1-X

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