54. Single Munch-food Items
In this diet the sole purpose of eating munch-foods is to satisfy your cravings. The reason: to be able to maintain this diet you must satisfy your cravings regularly (though this will become less of a 'problem' after a while). You have already absorbed all essential vitamins and minerals by eating at least 2 kg. / 4.4 lbs. fruits and some sashimi or egg yolk so the nutritional value of munch-food is irrelevant.
As you are picking your munch-food for the day, totally disregard nutritional value. Focus, instead, on taste, physical satisfaction, and protein contents. Simply choose those munch-foods that contain the least protein and salt - preferably those that contain plenty of fat (real butter / cream / olive oil) and/or sugar, and also taste the best.
Reward yourself.
Choose the products with high-quality fats and avoid any munch-food products that contain hydrogenated fats (because of the trans-fatty acids). This includes "partially hydrogenated soybean oil" which translates to more trans-fatty acids. If the label does not specifically state that the product contains real cream butter only, it contains bad fat. Real cream butter contents have to be specifically stated in percentage. If not, it contains mainly bad fats, are bad fats only.
"Vegetable fat" does not mean 'good' fat, but processed fats from plant origin. The bad fat can make you nauseous - especially if you have already been eating large quantities of fruits for a while. So choose high-quality munch-foods when you can, like hand-made pastry or bon bons instead of supermarket products. Why not learn to make them yourself to be absolutely sure about the ingredients used.
It may seem a lot of work, but with this diet you will not be cooking much anymore, so why not make yourself delicious munch-food instead?
Each day you can either consume one munch-food meal only,
containing up to 15 g. protein, or two of the single munch-food items, containing up to 7½ g. protein each. Single munch-food items should contain a maximum of 7½ grams protein.
You can prepare your own munch-foods, or you can also buy whatever you like – cream cookies, butterscotch cookies, carrot cake or chocolate chip cookies. But remember: you can only eat as many cookies as will add up to 7½ g. protein in total. (Like 200 g. / 7 oz. of cookies containing 3¾ g. protein / 100 g.)
Let's say that you buy a package of cookies. You feel like munching away the whole package because you are having your period or because you're just plain bored and want to watch TV while you are snacking. Be sure that the whole package doesn't contain more than 7.5 g. protein in total. If the cookies contain 5 g. protein / 100 g. (5%), you can finish the whole package only if the package contains no more than 150 g. / 6 oz. of cookies.
Also remember that most cookies contain wheat, which can make you constipated no matter how much fruits you have consumed. If you are not sure about protein contents of a specific food, don't eat it. Always check labels first!!
Your cellulite will not go away if you don't stick to these rules.
The 'recipes' below are just basic suggestions; you know how to adapt / apply them to your taste / custom. Add fresh herbs and no salt. Weights are measured before cooking. When no amounts are given, no exact amounts are required.
Be sure to peel all fruits, vegetables, etc. for these peelings can contain many herbicide/pesticide residues, and can cause cramps/gas.
For recipes of single munch-food items, see the following pages.
Single Munch-food Items
* Desserts / cookies you buy in a supermarket: 150 g. maximally, containing 5% protein maximally.
* 150 g. Mascarpone Polenghi cheese (or other cream cheese contain up to 4½ gram protein in total) mixed with 75 g. / 3 Tbs. cream and 8 g. / ¼ oz. cocoa powder, combined with fruit - pineapple, banana, strawberries, etc. - and sugar or honey.
* One of the following fruit combinations in 175 g. / 1/3 cup vanilla ice cream or warm vanilla sauce:
- peach and sweet red berries
- mango, orange and grated coconut
- sweet apple with raisins, cinnamon, and honey
- kiwi and orange.
* Melt 150 g. / 5¼ oz. pure (no-milk) chocolate au bain Marie. Dip cherries, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, etc. in the sauce. Cool slightly before serving.
* Kiwis, lime, strawberries or raspberries with 175 g. / 6 oz. lemon ice cream.
* Blend honeydew with 150 g. / 5¼ oz vanilla ice cream, 1 Tbs. lemon juice, 3 Tbs. Maple syrup, 200 g. / 7 oz. red berries and 250 g. / 8¾ oz. blackberry juice.
* Blend 2 peeled pears (no seeds) with 150 g. / 5¼ oz. real cream, 50 g. / 1¾ oz. Mascarpone or cream cheese, 1 Tbs. lemon juice, 1 Tbs. cinnamon, 2 teaspoons cocoa powder and honey.
* Sliced peaches, strawberries, 100 g. / 3½ oz. vanilla cream, strawberry jam, 1 slice of cake.
* Any sweet melon (not watermelon), mango, and strawberries with full fat cream. Sprinkle sugar or pour honey over the cream, or mix the cream with some chocolate powder.
* Chunks of watermelon (no seeds), cantaloupe melon, 2 peaches, white and blue grapes (no seeds). Top with a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 3 Tbs. grape juice, 2 Tbs. honey, 350 g. / 12¼ oz. cream and 1 to 2 teaspoons of cinnamon.
* Pear, raisins, 100 g. / 3½ oz. vanilla ice cream, and hot chocolate sauce.
* Pear, 35 g. / 1¼ oz. feta cheese, black olives, and lettuce.
* Melon and strawberries with hot vanilla sauce and whipped cream.
* Thin slices of melon with sweet red berries, thyme, and cream cheese (containing 7½ g. / ¼ oz. Protein max), or 80 g. / 2¾ oz. bacon.
* One piece of creamy chocolate cake (maybe crumbled) with slices of mango, peach, orange, banana or berries with hot vanilla sauce.
* Blend banana, vanilla ice cream (175 g. / 6 oz. maximum), limejuice and honey to taste.
* Blend 3 bananas, 2 Tbs. cocoa powder, 1 Tbs. Honey, and enough coconut milk for desired thickness.
* Blend 3 bananas, mango, 1 Tbs. peanut butter, and enough coconut milk for desired thickness.
* Blend 3 bananas, 1Tbs. peanut butter and enough orange juice for desired thickness.
* Crush 1 banana with a fork, and add cream and 1 Tbs. peanut butter. (extremely fulfilling)
* 100 g. / 3½ oz. French fries with some ketchup or mayonnaise - no salt!!
* 400 g. / 14 oz. cooked/baked sweet potato with butter - no margarine or 'light' butter.
* 350 g. / 12¼ oz. cooked/baked potatoes with real butter and chives.
* 200 g. / 2 small cooked/baked potatoes with low-protein garlic-cream cheese (or 50 g. / 1¾ oz. Philadelphia cream cheese or 35 g. / 1¼ oz. ricotta cheese and chives)
* 300 g. / 3 small cooked/baked potatoes with cold pressed sesame oil or real butter, chopped dried chili pepper, garlic, and a dash of soy sauce.
* 300 g. / 3 small cooked potatoes (or 80 g. / 2¾ oz. rice) with fried onions, topped with 3 fresh raw egg yolks
* Salad: 250 g. / 9 oz. chopped cooked potatoes, (Yellow Finn, red potatoes) chopped red onion, and pickles. Add 2 Tbs. Mayonnaise, a bit of piccalilli or chili sauce, chopped basil or coriander cilantro), and mix.
* Simmer over low heat 250 g. / 9 oz. sliced potatoes and garlic in 125 g. / 4½ oz. cream for 8 minutes. Cool. Add ¼ c. chopped parsley. Pre-heat oven, and heat all for 15 minutes.
* Sauté 2 shallots or half an onion in a generous dollop of real butter. Add 200 g. / 1 large peeled and chopped cucumber. Simmer for 5 minutes. Ad a bit of vegetable bouillon powder, and simmer for 5 more minutes. Stop heating. Add lots of chopped dill and some Crème Fraiche or sour cream. Pour over 200 g. / 2 small cooked potatoes.
* Cook 250 g. / 2 small firm potatoes. Chop in big chunks. Melt 50 g. / 1¾ oz. butter in a pan, add 75 g. / 2½ oz. spinach, pressed garlic, and the potatoes, and fry to your taste.
* 200 g. / 2 small cooked/baked potatoes with 35 g. / 1¼ oz fried bacon (in butter) and 1 Tbs. mayonnaise or raw egg yolks.
* 200 g. / 2 small cooked potatoes with 1 teaspoon peanut butter, half a teaspoon Sambal Badjak (sweet fried red pepper), chives, a dash of soy sauce and 4 fresh raw egg yolks.
* Salad of 40 g. (scant 1½ oz.) feta cheese (containing 17% protein) with slices of orange, lime, grapefruit, and pineapple
* Raw-fish sushi (the rice is a munch-food item) in a Japanese restaurant. (Be aware that sometimes the fish has been frozen first, so ask first!)
* Sauté in 4 Tbs. olive oil: 250 g. / 2 small chopped pre-cooked potatoes, 100 g. / 7 black olives, half a red chili pepper, a sliced onion and ½ tsp. black pepper. Add chopped parsley, 1 tsp. lemon juice, and 2 Tbs. mayonnaise. Simmer till done. Add chopped avocado just before serving.
* Briefly fry in 3 Tbs sesame oil: 80 g. / 2¾ oz. mushrooms, 1 coarsely grated carrot, 40 g. / 1½ oz. soy-sprouts, half a chopped leek, and soy sauce, chili sauce, or other oriental sauce. Stuff this mix into Chinese cabbage leaves, fold and tie into neat packages. Steam these for about 10 minutes.
* Mix together ½ c. chopped parsley, 25 g. / 1 oz. walnuts, 1 clove garlic, and 1 red onion. Add 2 Tbs. olive oil and 2Tbs. walnut oil. Stir and add ground black pepper, nutmeg, and lemon juice to taste. Pour over 60 g. / 2 oz. cooked pasta.
* Boil 80 g. / 2¾ oz. rice longer than usual, let it rest for 15 minutes. Mix with sliced fresh raw salmon or tuna, chopped sweet onion, cucumber, and a bit of ginger, and knead all this into balls. Dip in soy sauce and enjoy.
* Boil 80 g. / 2¾ oz. rice. Add 4 Tbs. of olive oil, chives, small pieces of pineapple, banana, raisins (soaked in a bit of fresh orange juice overnight) and 1 small teaspoon peanut butter. Heat until ingredients are just warm – no more.
* Sliced cucumber, mixed lettuce and sliced nori. Dressing: 2 Tbs. sesame-oil, 1 Tbs. lemon juice, 1 Tbs. water, a bit of soy sauce, some Tabasco.
* Fresh raw egg yolk added to blended tomato and Tabasco (Remember: Tabasco is also a munch-food item)
* Avocado mixed with fresh raw egg yolk on a slice of white bread.
* 1 cooked ear of sweet corn, with butter and pepper – with chopped sautéed onion, celery, and tomato on the side.
* 1 slice of white bread spread with avocado and sautéed chili flakes or chopped chili pepper.
* 1 slice of white bread spread with avocado, mayonnaise, and chives.
* 1 slice of white bread with avocado, 30 g. / 1 oz. fried bacon and sliced red onions.
* 1 slice of white bread with avocado, tomato slices, and a bit of mustard.
* 1 slice white bread spread with olive oil, tomato, chives, and cream- cheese (either 35 g. / 1¼ oz. Ricotta Polenghi or 40 g (scant 1½ oz.) Philly cream cheese or other cream cheese containing 2.8 gram protein in total).
* Cold soup: Blend peeled and chopped cucumber, 100 g. / 3½ oz. kefir cheese, 100 g. / 3½ oz. yogurt and pressed garlic. Add dill and black pepper (preferable freshly ground). Chill in the refrigerator before serving.
* Soup: Steam green pepper for ten minutes. Peel the cooled pepper, and blend with 3 walnuts, 1 tsp. pesto, pressed garlic, basil, parsley, and 5 Tbs. olive oil. Simmer with 2 cups of water, some Crème Fraiche or sour cream and a little bit of bouillon for 10 minutes.
* Soup: Sauté 2 chopped shallots in 40 g. / 1 Tbs. real butter for 3 minutes. Add 500 g. / 1 lb. chopped squash or pumpkin and pressed garlic, simmer for 5 minutes. Add 1 dl. / 2 Tbs. dry white wine and ½ liter/ 2 cups vegetable bouillon. Simmer for 35 minutes. Add sufficient Crème Fraiche or sour cream, some lemon juice and pepper (or honey /sugar). Blend with hand-mixer.
* Soup: Simmer chopped onions, cut shallots, handful parsley, chives and 5 Tbs. olive oil in small pan half filled with water for 20 minutes. Add a little bit of bouillon and simmer for 10 more minutes. Eat with one slice of white bread. (Or some cooked potatoes)
* Soup: Blend peeled beets. Cook in ½ liter / 2 cups water with some bouillon for 5 minutes, add leek, dash of lemon juice and pepper, and simmer for 15 more minutes. Pour this soup into a bowl. Mix horseradish with 50 g. / 1¾ oz. yogurt, and pour this in the middle of the soup. Garnish with 25 g. / 1 slice fried bacon and some leek or onion rings.
Instead of two single munch-food items, you can also combine low- protein munch-food to create a meal containing up to 15 g. / ½ oz. 'dirty' protein, but only if this is the single munch-food you eat for the entire day.
If you don't stick to this rule, your cellulite will not disappear.
Regarding acne it is individually different how much munch food your skin can cope with without getting new pimples again, and therefore requires experimentation. If you get a new pimple, you obviously need to cut down the amount of munch food that you consume.
When we are talking about frying, this does not include browning.
Don't heat more than necessary; the more heat, the more 'dirty' (and carcinogenic) substances originate and thus cellulite.
Be sure, however, to cook pasta, potatoes, rice, and vegetables until well done to prevent digestion problems.
Don't use any salt, but garlic, onions, and/or fresh herbs instead - especially if your skin is susceptible to acne. You can also use an extremely tiny bit of those 'vegetable herbs-in-a-box' (but not when susceptible to acne). Season to your taste, but not too much!! How salty it tastes depends entirely on how much salt you are accustomed to using.
Rice and potatoes are very delicious topped with fresh raw egg yolks, and some meals can be combined with sashimi (fresh raw fish). And no, this is not dangerous because of the bacteria. (See Chapter 36)
Munch-food Meal Suggestions / Recipes
These dishes (on the following pages) can be consumed with either 100 g. / 3½ oz. rice (plain white rice only!!!) or 60 g. / 2 oz. pasta (or noodles etc.). If you choose not to add rice or pasta to the following dishes, your cellulite will go away sooner. You can replace the rice or pasta with extra vegetables or potatoes for example.
Remember to add extra olive oil whenever you are having pasta to prevent constipation.
* Sauté 250 g. / 9 oz. chopped squash and 1 garlic clove in 6 Tbs. olive oil for 10 minutes. Add freshly ground pepper and fresh rosemary.
* Fry 250 g. / 9 oz. chopped squash in 6 Tbs. olive oil, and add 200 g. / 7 oz. chopped (peeled) tomatoes mixed with basil leaves and pressed garlic.
* Sauté thick slices of summer squash and eggplant in 8 Tbs. cold- pressed olive oil. Add fresh or dried basil, fresh ground pepper, a bit of Balsamic vinegar and pressed garlic, if you like.
* Sauté 150 g. / 5 oz. sliced squash and 200 g. / 7 oz. sliced eggplant in 5 Tbs. olive oil. Chop ½ onion, 6 olives, and 2 tomatoes, basil, parsley, and garlic and add too squash and eggplant and finish cooking.
* Slice 200 g. / 7 oz. eggplant, 150 g. / 5 oz. squash, 100 g. / 3½ oz. red pepper and 100 g. / 3½ oz. yellow pepper into long strips. Sauté with one chopped small onion in 6 Tbs. olive oil until done. Add fresh rosemary, thyme, and freshly ground black pepper (or other herbs to your liking).
* Chop 100 g. / 3½ oz. squash, 200 g. / 7 oz. egg plant, 1 green pepper, 200 g. / 7 oz. tomato, half an onion, and garlic. Mix with 6 spoons olive oil. Sauté or roast for 20 minutes. Add chopped parsley, basil and black pepper before serving.
* Sauté 200 g. / 7 oz. chopped eggplant, 175 g. / 6 oz. broccoli and onion in olive oil. Add raw peeled and chopped tomatoes when done.
* Sauté half an onion and 1 chopped red pepper in 5 Tbs. olive oil. Add pressed garlic, 5 chopped olives and simmer 5 minutes Add 1 chopped egg plant and 2 chopped tomatoes and simmer for 5 more minutes.
* Sauté chopped eggplant, tomato, onion, garlic, and pine-seeds in olive oil.
* Sauté for ten minutes (low flame) 200 g. / 7 oz. eggplant, 100 g. / 3½ oz. tomato, 150 g. / 5 oz. mushrooms, pressed garlic and chives in 8 Tbs. olive oil.
* Sauté 200 g. / 7 oz. tomato, 200 g. / 7 oz. cucumber, garlic, chives, and freshly ground pepper in 8 Tbs. olive oil. Add a dash of Balsamic vinegar and cream cheese (containing a maximum 3½ g. / 7 oz. protein).
* Briefly blend 40 g. (scant 1½ oz.) feta cheese, 1 peeled garlic clove, lots of fresh basil, 25 g. / scant 1 oz. walnuts, 5 chopped tomatoes, 5 Tbs. olive oil, and some black pepper. Serve over rice or pasta.
* Sauté 150 g. / 5¼ oz. chopped leek, and add 20 g. / 0.7 oz. anchovies (maximum) in 3 Tbs. olive oil. Then add mix of chopped parsley, fresh basil, 1 clove garlic with some black pepper and 1Tbs. white wine vinegar.
* Buy 650 gram / 23 oz. oysters (65 gram / 2¼ oz. without scale). Open the oysters, poor moist-contents into pan with the use of a strainer, add 2 dl / ¾ cup champagne and simmer on low fire, while adding 50 g. / 1¾ oz. of real butter, bit by bit. Finally add 12 seeded grapes, the oysters and chervil, chives or parsley, and simmer for 1 more minute.
* Fry 100 g. / 3½ oz. oyster mushroom and 50 g. / 1¾ oz. chopped soy-sprouts in 5 Tbs. sesame oil for 2 minutes. (Low fire, keep stirring). Add a teaspoon of sugar or honey and splash of soy sauce. Scoop out the vegetables into another pan, (leaving the sauce behind). Add 100 g. / 3½ oz. sliced carrot and 50 g. / 1¾ oz. broccoli into sauce in frying pan and 1 or 2 Tbs. sesame oil, and simmer with lid on for 7 minutes. Then re-add the mushrooms and sprouts, and simmer for 2 more minutes.
* Fry 200 g. / 7 oz. mushrooms, some onion or shallots in sesame oil. Mix some soy sauce, sesame oil and vinegar, and add sliced raw carrot and cucumber. Add the fried vegetables to the raw.
* Fry 200 g. / 7 oz. mushrooms and onion slices in olive oil. Add 100 g. / 3½ oz. peeled tomatoes, with basil or chives, and garlic if you please. And simmer for 1 more minute.
* Fry 225 g. / 8 oz. different mushrooms, onions and some rosemary in full-fat butter. Add to mixed salad.
* Fry 225 g. / 8 oz. mushrooms, onions and pressed garlic in olive oil. Add raw sliced tomatoes.
* Fry (or roast in oven) 3 peppers (red, green, yellow), some garlic, olives and oregano in olive oil.
The following recipes include either rice, pasta, bread or potatoes only (or none of these).
* Compote; Soak in 700 g. / 1½ pints. apple juice overnight: 3 dried dates, 3 dried prunes, 3 dried figs, 3 dried apple-rings, 3 dried pear-rings, 4 dried apricots. Cook for 2 minutes the next day. Then add 2 Tbs. honey, 1 tsp. vanilla powder (or grinded vanilla), and half a teaspoon cardamom. Eat with white rice with pressed garlic or chives.
* 60 g. / 2 oz. cooked pasta with cream cheese and chives. Be sure to add lots of cold-pressed olive oil (to compensate for the constipating effects of wheat the Italian way). Add 2 or 3 peeled and chopped raw tomatoes and some pressed garlic.
* 80 g. / 2¾ oz. cooked pasta, pesto, cold-pressed olive oil and peeled chunks raw tomato (no cheese added because of the pesto).
* To eat with 60 g. / 2 oz. spaghetti or Chinese noodles: Sauté chilli pepper in 3 tbs. sesame oil. Add some soy sauce, 2 tsp. peanut butter, sliced tomatoes and cucumber.
* Sauté 1 spring onion with crushed ginger (half a walnut-size) and garlic in 4 Tbs. sesame oil. Add 100 g. / 3½ oz. sliced Chinese (or other) mushrooms and 75 g. / 2½ oz. sliced carrot. Simmer, and then add 75 g. / 2½ oz. sliced Chinese leaves and 50 g. / 1¾ oz. soy-sprouts, and simmer some more. Serve with Chinese noodles. (60 g. / 2 oz. max)
* Sauté onions in butter for 5 minutes only, then add garlic and thyme and cook for another 5 minutes. Add 200 g. / 7 oz. mixed mushrooms until almost done. Add some water, lemon juice, and a bit of bouillon, some crème fraîche and simmer for 5 more minutes. Poor over 60 g. / 2 oz. cooked Tagliatella.
* Cook 100 g. / 3½ oz. spinach (fresh or frozen). Drain and add 60 g. / 2 oz. cream cheese (7% protein max) and 1 Tbs. butter, and stir. Add some crushed garlic. Serve with cooked pasta (with olive oil). Instead of the cream cheese and butter, you can take as much Gormas Ballarini cheese as you like.
* Sauté chopped squash in olive oil, with chives. Put one big spoon cream cheese in a bowl; add cooked pasta, some olive oil and mix thoroughly. Then add the cooked squash.
* French bread (170 g. / 6 oz.), fresh raw salmon, lettuce, chives and lots of full-fat mayonnaise (no diet-mayo).
* French bread (110 g. / 3¾ oz.) with fried cucumber (in olive oil), seasoned with 'mixed vegetable-herbs', 50 g. / 1¾ oz. Ricotta cheese (or 40 g. / 1.6 oz. cottage cheese or cream cheese containing up to 4.8 gram protein in total) and chives.
* Sauté 150 g. / 5¼ oz. squash, 200 g. / 7 oz. eggplant, 200 g. / 7 oz. tomatoes and 150 g. / 5¼ oz. mushrooms in olive oil, with some garlic and chives. Add 250 g. / 8¾ oz. pre-cooked potatoes and let this simmer some more.
* Soup; Melt 40 g. / 4 Tbs. butter in a pan, add chopped onions, add 250 g. / 8¾ oz. chopped mushrooms 3 minutes later, simmer for a few minutes. Add ½ liter / 1 quart chicken bouillon, 75 g. / 2½ oz. crème fraîche, parsley and basil (no stems). Simmer and season according to your taste.
* Soup; Boil 1 qt. water with onion, a little bouillon and 1 chilli pepper for 15 minutes. Add 200 g. / ½ c. chopped tomatoes, 200 g. / 7 oz. chopped squash, 150 g. / 5¼ oz. mini corn and 200 g. / 3 small pre-cooked potatoes. Add 6 Tbs. of olive oil and, if you want, some vegetable-soup herbs.
* Soup; Fill pan with 1½ liter / 1½ quarts water, add 2 chopped large onions, 8 tbs. olive oil, 1 vegetable-bouillon cube max. Heat until it boils, then simmer for one hour. Remove biggest chunks of onion. Chop 150 g. / 5¼ oz. carrots, 200 g. / 3 small potatoes, 100 g. / 3½ oz. leek, 150 g. / 5¼ broccoli, and 100 g. / 3½ oz. cauliflower and add to soup. Simmer until potatoes are done. Add some basil, parsley and oregano.
If you must have meat, you can only have a little very fat real
bacon. For those of you who really cannot live without the flavor and taste of prepared meat:
* Small piece of French bread (100 g. / 3½ oz.) with sliced tomato, lettuce, mayonnaise and 60 g. / 2 oz. grilled or fried bacon.
* Sauté 125 g. / 4½ oz. broccoli and 40 g. / 1.6 oz. bacon in 5 Tbs. olive oil. Serve with 100 g. / 3½ oz. cooked rice and sliced avocado.
* A bowl of (raw) mixed salad with 4 Tbs. olive oil, some mustard to your taste and sliced avocado, topped with 50 g. / 1¾ oz. fried bacon. Serve with 100 g. / 3½ oz. cooked rice.
* 100 g. / 3½ oz. cooked rice, with Roman lettuce, sliced raw tomato and cucumber, pressed garlic, chives, cold pressed olive oil and 80 g. / 2¾ oz. grilled or fried bacon.
* Sauté 100 g. / 3½ oz. mushrooms, some onion and 40 g. / 1.6 oz. bacon in butter, add chives or parsley. (And garlic if you like) Serve with either rice, potatoes, pasta or a slice of bread.
* Sauté 30 g. / 1 oz. bacon in butter. Add onion, garlic, tarragon and thyme. Add 100 g. / 3½ oz. mushrooms and more butter, a little bit of water and some crème fraîche. Serve with rice, pasta or a slice of bread.
* Sauté garlic (or pressed garlic) in 5 Tbs. olive oil, add 100 g. / 3½ oz. chopped squash, stir and fry for 6 minutes, add 75 g. / 2½ oz. spinach, and after 5 more minutes add basil and seasoning to your taste. Finally add 35 g. / 1¼ oz. fried bacon (or cream cheese, containing up to 3 g. protein in total).
>> To Part 4; No More Overweight
© Copyright 2001 - 2002 Artists Cooperative Groove Union U.A. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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ISBN 90-806424-1-X
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